Learning about Astrobotany at Rensselaer’s Black Families Technology Awareness Day 2023

Lily K. Donaldson
February 4, 2023
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to grow plants in space? Scientists and astronauts have been working together to make growing plants in space a reality. This field of study is called astrobotany. Art Technically hosted our Astrobotany workshop for Black Families Technology Awareness Day at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Read more about what the students in attendance learned below! Request a workshop for your school or student group by emailing team@
Astrobotany has many benefits. For one, growing plants in space can provide astronauts with fresh food on long space missions. This is important because it can help keep them healthy and provide a source of nutrition. Additionally, growing plants in space can also improve air quality by producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.
To grow plants in space, scientists have to overcome many challenges. For example, they have to figure out how to provide the plants with the right amount of light, water, and nutrients. They also have to find ways to protect the plants from the harsh conditions of space, like radiation and zero gravity.
Despite these challenges, scientists have made some exciting discoveries. For example, they have learned that plants can adapt to the conditions in space and grow differently than they do on Earth. They have also developed new technology to help plants grow in space, such as special lights and water systems.
Careers in Space Science
If you’re interested in space and science, there are many exciting careers you can pursue. For example, you could become an astronaut and go on space missions, which may even include growing plants in space! Or, you could become a scientist and study the plants and other life forms that live in space.
You could also become a science educator and help others learn about space and astrobotany. You could work at a museum, teach in a classroom, or even write books or make videos to share your knowledge.

Students listen to a lecture on Astrobotany at RPI’s Black Families Technology Awareness Day
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The lecture included information about astronaut nutrition, growing plants in space, and lighting technologies.

Students watch an LED grow light demonstration showing how colored light affects our perception of objects’ colors.
Astrobotany Workshop for RPI’s Black Families Technology Awareness Day
Today, Art Technically held an Astrobotany workshop using our Astrobotany lesson plan at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY for Black Families Technology Awareness Day. Students learned about space science and botany, sampled astronaut foods, and viewed lighting and plant science demonstrations at the labs of RPI’s Institute for Energy, the Built Environment, and Smart Systems (EBESS).

Workshop Leader Lily shows students a plant growth chamber at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s plant lab facilities.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute