Among Us, Part 1: The What

Angélica Torres, Student Staff Writer, Caguas, Puerto Rico
Mary Teodosio , Student Staff Writer, California
Molli Shuker, Student Staff Writer, Vermont
12 January 2021
What is Among Us? If you were on the internet during the last month or talked to any of your friends, you’ve most likely come across videos, memes, or articles all raving about the same game. Among Us.
The name has become somewhat familiar to most of the younger generation, as well as the older, and has already left an impressionable mark on the internet in such a short time. Among Us is an online multiplayer sci-fi murder mystery game and was developed by InnerSloth. The game takes place in one of three locations – a spaceship, an above-earth base, or a planet base, where it holds a crew of up to ten players, up to three of which are imposters. The main goal for the crew is to figure out who the imposters are before they all get killed, while the imposters need to kill off the crew before they finish their tasks or discover their identities. As the game commences, crewmates must try completing their tasks as quickly as they can, fix sabotages done by the imposters, and look out for any suspicious behavior while the imposter tries to kill as many crewmates as they can without getting noticed. Crewmates are only allowed to speak amongst each other during meetings, which are held after a body is reported or if a crewmate calls it themselves, and try voting off the imposter(s) at the end. A popular question that seems to pop up within the community is how this game ended up becoming so popular in the first place. Hopefully we can give you insight to answer some of the burning questions surrounding the game and figure out how this surge of popularity came to be.
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