SweeTARTS: Be Both

Lily Donaldson, Director, Washington, DC
30 July 2019
“You can be scientific and artistic, careful and carefree, sweet and tart. After all, nobody is all one way. SweeTARTS. Be both.”
The famous sweet and sour candy company, SweeTARTS, has created a new advertising campaign called “Be Both.”
The SweeTARTS manifesto:
The world wants you to be one thing.
Pick a lane. Stake your claim. Declare your major.
Fight for change or honor tradition. Pro this, anti-that. Take it seriously, chill out.
SweeTARTS says, “Hold up. Why choose?”
After all, nobody is all one way.
We can be laid back AND fired up.
Tough AND tender. Sweet AND Tart.
Wouldn’t the world be better if we were all a little bit of both?
SweeTARTS. Be both.
One of the “Be Both” commercials is STEAM themed! A woman surrounded by colorful, cartoonish animations is shown as both a scientist and an artist. The spot is short and sweet.
“Science & Art” is one of four people themed spots with the campaign, the others are “Grace & Grit,” “Wise & Wild,” and “Shy & Fly.” I first saw the campaign in the “Science & Art” television ad, and I thought it was a cute advertisement for STEAM that Art, Technically readers would be interested in. Check out the spot below!
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